By Ronny Strätling on Montag, 01. März 2010
Category: Kurzmeldungen


BioRisk 1 (2008) Special Issue

Eine besondere Empfehlung: Der "Climatic Risc Atlas of European Butterflies":

"Climate change will cause Europe to lose much of its biodiversity as projected by a comprehensive study on future butterfly distribution. The Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies predicts northward shifts in potential distribution area of many European butterfly species. As early warning indicators of environmental change, butterflies are a valuable tool to assess overall climate change impact and to provide some indication on the chances to come nearer to the target of halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 set by the EU Heads of State in 2001."

Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies
by Josef Settele, Otakar Kudrna, Alexander Harpke, Ingolf Kühn, Chris van Swaay, Rudi Verovnik, Martin Warren, Martin Wiemers, Jan Hanspach, Thomas Hickler, Elisabeth Kühn, Inge van Halder, Kars Veling, Albert Vliegenthart, Irma Wynhoff, Oliver Schweiger

Full-color paperback (EURO 59.00) and/or hardback (EURO 89.00) versions may be ordered at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.


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